Sun - 4 miles total with 5k race in 20:09 (PR) as part of a triathlon relay in Gloucester
Mon - 6 miles
Tue - weights and 4 - 5 miles (not totally sure), my right hip was really hurting me. Why???
Wed - 0 miles, wanted to rest hip
Thur - probably about 5 miles total, hill workout in the intense midday heat
Fri - 0 miles, ugh, no excuse
Sat - 6 miles and some core
Total: 26
I'm back. I've been really lazy about blogging, but have been preoccupied with... life. Non-running life, I suppose. I don't have any big races coming up (besides Reach the Beach in September, which only kind of counts), so I think I need to register for a half in October or November, just to have something to look forward to/ work towards. I'm having fun doing some shorter races, though, so things are good. Also, hill workouts with my RTB team are lots of fun.
congrats on the PR! hope the hip feels better soon